(Author's note: The following should be regarded as a preliminary
document. In it I attempt to highlight issues in which I have had a considerable
interest for a number of years, about which I have done some research and about
which I have even written in a previous paper, "The Body, Sex and Christianity".
I intend to continue my study and produce a more comprehensive report later, perhaps
in a different form. However, the understanding of childhood sexuality in our culture
is deplorable at this point. The attitude of both Christians and even secular people
seems to be growing more reactionary and paranoid in spite of the notion that our
society is becoming more liberal sexually. In addition, questions and issues related
to childhood sexuality are often raised in our Internet discussions. These reasons
seem to call for an attempt at this time to begin dealing with some of these critical
In my opinion, much of the confusion that exists in our society about childhood
sexuality traces to a failure to understand historical and cultural developments.
There is, for example, a prevailing view in our society that "children"
shouldn't "have sex." When this is said, what is meant by "children"
and what is meant by "having sex"? Should childhood be defined by civil
law that indicates the legal age at which a person may engage in sexual intercourse
(is this what is meant, by the way, by "having sex"?)? What about the
fact that in the United States this age, referred to as the "age of consent,"
varies widely among states? These ages range from a low of 12 in Delaware to 18
in many states. Or does childhood end when a person can legally buy and consume
alcohol, which also varies state to state and does not necessarily coincide with
the age of consent. Or does a person become an adult when he can drive, vote or
marry? These ages, also, do not necessarily coincide in any state, much less
among the states.
The age thresholds above are legal boundaries. What about biological
and psychological ages, especially puberty? Should a person be legally "qualified"
to have sex at puberty? In fact, in the few states where the age of consent is quite
low, puberty and legal age do roughly coincide, but these states are in the minority.
And what does "having sex" mean? In the popular mind it
probably means engaging in sexual intercourse. (By the way, civil and criminal laws
do not use the popular term "having sex," but instead refer to sexual
intercourse or other forms of sexual contact.) What about these "other forms"
of "sexual contact"? State laws discuss such things as oral sex (still
illegal even for adults in many states) and mere "touching" of the genitals
or breasts in terms of punishable sexual offenses when "children" are
involved. Some of these provisions differ depending on whether one person is a legal
adult or not. Do these other kinds of contact, which can be very erotically pleasing
or even produce orgasms, qualify as "having sex"?
One could go on about the confusion, both popular and legal, which
exists in our society on the subject of childhood sexuality. Perhaps this small
discussion is sufficient to point up the problems.
This desperate situation in which children and adults find themselves
in our sexually ignorant and repressive society seems to me to call for an understanding
of how we got to where we are.
The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, the period of the Enlightenment
of the 18th century and the Industrial Revolution of the same period produced profound
effects in Europe and America on the attitudes of society and church toward children.
These changes altered permanently the definition of childhood and adulthood and
the sexual roles, rights and obligations of youth in society.
Prior to these historical developments, children had been regarded
mostly as potential adults (infants and toddlers) or actual adults
(older children and adolescents) in terms of the economic structures of families,
tribes and larger social groupings. Children were seen as essential workers in these
structures. The focus of this phenomenon was in the mostly agricultural societies
of the entire world prior to the Industrial Revolution. In these societies the hard
physical work of the entire family was necessary for survival.
These spiritual, intellectual and mechanical revolutions ultimately
changed the way in which human beings looked at themselves and their personal and
societal relationships. This period of time was probably the beginning, in Europe
and North America at least, of the kind of human self-consciousness and self-analysis
that ultimately produced the social sciences, especially psychology and related
As for the Reformation, driven partly by a new spiritual freedom Christians
became more concerned for the health and social welfare of one another. It is not
that works of mercy towards the poor and sick had not existed before, but this period
saw a tremendous explosion of such efforts.
One development in this period was the growing consciousness that
children were perhaps not physically suited for much of the hard labor that they
were typically called on to do. There was also a new concern for orphans, who often
went about in bands of beggars or thieves and were generally neglected or even abused
by society.
The Industrial Revolution was the engine that began to drive the populations
of Europe and North America away from the farms and into the cities where manufacturing
and its supporting enterprises demanded workers to produce the goods and services
that offered the promise of a better life. During this period children often suffered,
being coerced into factory work that was probably harder than what they had done
on the farms.
Yet the churches and other caring people also took notice of their
plight, eventually leading to the development of child labor laws for their protection.
The focus of life in Western Europe and America shifted even more
certainly from the rural to the urban in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Life really did get "better" and easier for almost all classes, compared
with the previous few centuries. Physical health and life expectancy improved. Diseases
were better controlled. Wars diminished, enabling the human race in these societies
to get on with living rather than dying.
As these developments occurred, the lot of children improved, but
their role as productive, even essential, members of society diminished.
The development that closed the circle of the "cult of childhood"
was compulsory public education. It was the product of the earlier developments
that lessened the practical usefulness of children. It was also a new force that
restructured childhood so that youth would from now on be socially defined as "children"
and "students," not proto-adults. From now on the child's task, never
entirely clear to him, but steadfastly maintained and managed by the educational
institutions, was to pilot himself through many years of schooling toward the abstract
goal of "graduation." After graduation there was either college (more
years of economically unproductive activity) or possibly work and, finally at some
point, marriage.
Even the church got involved in the 19th century with "education,"
creating the SUNDAY "school."
The development of institutional education for children was both the
product of and a shaper of another incredibly important development of this period
of time, namely the change in family structure from the extended family to
what we know today as the nuclear family. Prior to this period families had
lived in larger units, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and so forth.
Within this structure most of the education of children took place. While in older
times probably little verbal instruction was given about sex in the modern sense
of "sex education," children learned by seeing and hearing what went on
in these larger households and what verbal instruction was given was of a very practical
sort--the how-to's of male-female bonding. And there was a variety of perspective
included in this education because there was a variety of adults, not only parents,
to do the instructing. As the extended family disappeared and outside institutions
took over the education of children, this natural, family form of sex education
began to disappear along with much of the rest of traditional instruction.
With these developments, children were now to be completely "protected,"
cared for, nurtured in various ways, treated as fragile and really viewed as an
entirely different class of beings from adults. Thus was created a "cult of
childhood." The result in our day is that, in some ways, children are almost
worshipped and certainly "spoiled," yet have little to do with the practical,
productive life of our civilization.
Something appears to have been missed during this several-hundred-year
period of the development of the cult of childhood. This was the progressive development
of a clash between the biological and sexual maturity of children
and the social roles now assigned to them, which included no socially sanctioned
outlet for their sexuality.
Indeed, when this conflict was eventually noticed, both the secular
society and the church were forced by their own bondage to the childhood culture
they had created to essentially declare children to be nonsexual. When faced,
however, with a pesky biological reality which wouldn't go away --the "nonsexual"
child who could not help feeling and acting sexual--the adult social,
educational and religious powers turned to a variety of repressive tactics to keep
the little beasties down. These tactics ranged from instruction about how "good"
children didn't "play with themselves" or others to physical and legal
punishments for sexual behavior. (The 19th century was the heyday of chastity belts
and diabolically ingenious mechanical devices to prevent masturbation.)
The church began to create, virtually out of whole cloth, a set of
dogmas, mostly hitchhiking on a misunderstanding of the New Testament Greek term
"porneia," whose purpose was to prop up the socially developed notion
of the nonsexual child. (For discussion of the real meaning of the term "porneia,"
mistranslated "fornication" in most English Bibles, see other Liberated
Christians' biblical studies.)
These doctrines are not biblical at all. In Old Testament times sex
was seen as much more natural and normal than in our day, even though there were
certain sexual restrictions that were necessary either because of the lack of birth
control or because of the necessity of preserving family heritage in a patriarchal
society. (See other Liberated Christian studies on adultery and the patriarchal
system of the Old Testament.) Old Testament culture was also an extended family
culture in which the kind of natural sex education referred to above would have
taken place. It should also be remembered that the modern ideas of childhood did
not exist in biblical days.
Through the use of these doctrines the church could justify what has
amounted to the persecution of its own children the name of God for
their audacity in attempting to express their sexuality, a sexuality actually given
them by God himself.
Persecution is a harsh word, but I think that nothing less
has gone on throughout church history and goes on today in the way children are
treated in terms of their sexuality. I am only one of countless numbers of people
who can recall the fear, the reprimands and even the physical punishments connected
with sexual development as a child. Beginning with their own ignorance and following
the negative teachings of traditional Christianity, millions of parents have passed
on to even more millions of children the belief that their sexuality (and bodies)
is something to be ashamed of, hidden and not talked about. Indeed, what is God-given
is hated and constantly put down as evil. What else is this than persecution
and an imprisonment of both soul and body?
One of the areas in which this treatment of children has taken place
is marriage. Throughout most of human history societies have allowed marriage at
or near the time of puberty. The church itself for centuries tended to follow the
Jewish pattern of a minimum age of 12 for girls and 13 for boys, though by no means
did all marry that early. In effect, childhood ended at that point and adulthood
began. In many societies just prior to the permissible marriage age came the "rites
of passage" or "puberty rites," which formally signaled the entrance
of the youth into the privileges and responsibilities of adulthood. These practices
remain in some cultures today and in some modern American Indian tribes young people
are expected to be sexually active at least by puberty and some begin raising families
at that age, even though white man's law may forbid it.
As will be discussed later in this article, in societies that expect
early marriage it is typical that children are at least permitted or even encouraged
in sexual play and experimentation from a young age. This is seen as the beginning
of a natural process that prepares them for full roles as sexual adults. Perhaps
one of the worst kept secrets in the sexual life of our culture is that our
children also participate in various kinds of sex play. Yet, because that play is
either ignored, actively discouraged or even punished, it becomes part of the secret
life of our youth and contributes significantly to the whole pattern of living our
sexual lives in the dark.
In spite of much-hyped liberal sexual attitudes of our culture, there
remains the notion that real sexual activity only begins in marriage. Even if healthy
sexual functioning in marriage was not inhibited by the negative teachings we receive
as children, more damage is done by the typical postponement of marriage far into
the years of sexual maturity.
In the affluent nations of the world (not coincidentally the nations
that so greatly stress the importance of formal education) the marriage age has
steadily advanced through recent centuries, especially in the United States, where
in the mid-nineties the median age for first marriage has risen to 26.
Not lost in theory on some professionals in education, medicine and
psychology, but utterly ignored practically, is the inconvenient fact that the age
of the onset of puberty has been steadily dropping in affluent countries at least
for all of the 20th century, while the marriage age has been rising.
I have already said that God created us to be sexual adults at puberty
and to be sexually active at some level much earlier. The implication of this is
that the historical and modern efforts to repress youthful sexual activity are in
fact in opposition to a God-created normality, rather than being supportive
of his "moral" will, as claimed by conservative Christians.
In my opinion, the evidence from history, culture, biology and psychology
is overwhelming: our Creator intended us to be sexually active as children and adolescents,
each age at its own level, capacity and purpose, and that activity should prepare
us for the more permanent relationships of adulthood. Yet our culture so inhibits
this natural growth process that we enter adulthood seriously crippled sexually
and often unable to enjoy satisfying lives of sexual intimacy. It should be said
very clearly and without apology that the primary source of these sad results is
the sexual persecution and bondage inflicted on children by the traditional negative
views of Christianity and a Christianized culture.
It is said that a military commander once referred to a "retreat"
as an "advance to the rear." I think it can be seen from the history I
have presented that the "advances" of our civilization in the social welfare
of children, the changes in family structure, the improvement of health and the
creation of public education have been an "advance to the rear" in terms
of childhood sexuality.
The advance of civilization is always a mixed bag: often true advances
in human welfare are offset by losses in other areas. Ancient abuses of children
have diminished. The slow death of the patriarchal system has probably benefited
children, especially girls, as well as adult women. In spite of these positive examples,
the natural, God-created sexual development of children, on its psychological side,
has been sacrificed on the altar of other progress.
Parents and other adults in some cultures observe what parents in our culture observe,
but see entirely different implications. Biologically, children in all cultures
are alike and infant girls lubricate vaginally and infant boys experience erections
on a regular basis. In some cultures these events are understood as natural phenomena
that will develop in time into greater and more conscious efforts at sexual self-exploration
and experimentation with their peers.
In cultures that recognize these events as normal and natural, there
is often the involvement of parents themselves in stimulating the genital areas
of their infants, an activity that is simply accepted as a way of heightening their
children's interest in a very positive aspect of their development. It would never
occur to these parents that such an activity could be considered harmful to their
children as is the case in our culture.
In other cultures parents even teach their children how to masturbate
and some fathers or other male adults initiate daughters by having intercourse with
them. There is no indication that these practices in any way harm the children,
but are in fact the parents' way of teaching their children good sexual skills.
Children learn how to do everything else, from writing the alphabet
to hammering a nail, from older, more experienced people. But when it comes to sex--gasp--such
is taboo! Yet, this is purely a cultural prejudice, based on a long history of sexual
repression and negative teachings, much of it religious. It is not based in any
psycho-developmental reality of human nature.
On the island of Mangaia in the South Pacific "infants are special
people, rocked and indulged by all family members. Bare genitals are playfully or
casually stimulated and lingual manipulation of the tiny penis is common."
"Privacy is unknown, as each hut contains five to sixteen family members of
all ages. [Remember our discussion of the extended family and its role in sex education?]
Adolescent daughters often receive lovers at night and parents 'bump together' so
that young children may be awakened by the slapping sound of moist genitals. Although
adults rarely talk to children about sex, erotic wit and innuendoes are common.
"At the age of three or four, children band together and explore
the mysteries of the dense tropical bush....Sex play flourishes in the undergrowth
and coital activity may begin at any time."
Children also learn about sex from one another and "young girls
also learn from elderly women who teach by telling stories and by direct practical
instruction. The young boy is taught at puberty by older males. [Remember the puberty
rites discussed above?] [He] is coached in techniques such as the kissing and sucking
of breasts. He is told about lubrication and trained in methods of bringing his
partner to climax several times prior to his own ejaculation." (Alayne Yates,
Sex Without Shame: Encouraging the Child's Healthy Sexual Development, pp.
And so on and on goes the description of the sexual education processes
in this culture, processes which are natural and practical and are based on an acceptance
of sexuality itself as normal and natural. Children in such a "primitive"
culture grow up with greater knowledge, understanding and acceptance of their own
sexuality, as well as sexual competence in relationships, than almost any children
in our culture. And yet, not only would most Americans criticize the general permissiveness
of this culture, but the notion of the explicit peer and adult instruction would
be regarded as unacceptable, if not abusive.
It should be obvious that the contrast between the typical American
treatment of children's sexual development and that of Mangaia is a contrast between
bondage and freedom, between emotionally unhealthy and healthy
attitudes and really, if I may put it so strongly, between unloving and loving
ways of relating to children.
Even in our culture studies have shown that infants who experience
greater non-sexual physical intimacy with their parents are more likely to masturbate
than children who receive less such attention. One study reported that when there
was tender, loving care of the infant by the mother, genital play was present in
all the infants in the study. According to this researcher, such autoerotic activity
on the part of an infant in the first 18 months of life may be a reliable indicator
of the quality of parenting. (Human Sexuality--An Encyclopedia, p. 112)
Not to be overlooked here are the non-sexual physical and emotional
benefits of physical touch between parents and children. Children who receive positive
physical affection generally develop better emotional adjustments both as children
and adults than children who do not receive such positive touch or who receive mostly
negative touch (physical punishment). Their long-term relationship with their parents
also is more positive on an emotional basis. This is beneficial not only to the
children but to the parents as a very satisfying result of parenting. For myself,
I never received a great deal of physical affection in childhood (at least so far
as I can remember). By others, however, I was taught the value of this for my own
children and have seen both them and myself reap the benefits as they near adulthood.
They have even seen their parents divorce, yet remain physically affectionate with
me. (I would point out that there have never been any sexual implications in our
demonstrations of physical affection.) As pointed out in earlier material by Dave, physical touch also stimulates healthy endorphins in the body that promote
physical and emotional health.
The fact that physical touch combined with emotional intimacy promotes
both physical and emotional health for children makes the failure of so many parents
in these areas all the more serious. It could probably be argued that much of the
emotional and even physical sickness of our society traces to the lack of such intimacy
in childhood.
As the infant develops, its exploration of its body becomes progressively
more complex and sophisticated. While not capable in its first year of the complex
movements that characterize deliberate masturbation, the simple handling of the
genitals can be noted as giving pleasure. Between the second and third year the
infant develops rhythmic manipulation of the genitals with the hands, which foreshadows
the deliberate masturbation techniques of later years (Human Sexuality--An Encyclopedia,
p. 113)
While in some cultures the parental awareness of these developments brings the satisfaction
that the infant is developing normally in an area of great importance, in our culture
it is typical that such behavior produces consternation in parents whose own sexual
experience is troubled with repression of the past and who are often neurotic regarding
Since mothers are generally responsible for the sexual socialization
of their infants, the way the mother reacts to her infant's sexual play is critical
to its future development. In the encyclopedia referred to above the authors say
that in our culture the mother's task has "generally...been to discourage sexual
self-stimulation, inhibit sexual impulses toward family members, supervise and thus
frustrate attempts at sexual play with peers, and teach children to be wary of strangers."
Parents also attempt to control what their children learn of the "facts of
life" and from whom. There develops a "conspiracy of silence [in which]
parents maintain a secrecy and privacy concerning their own sexual activity...,"
closing bedroom and bathroom doors, separate bathing for children, especially segregating
by sex in later years, the inculcation of "modesty" regarding nudity and
dressing and undressing habits, etc. These methods have "an implicit goal of
keeping dormant the young child's pervasive curiosity and imitativeness, postponing
the onset of sexual self-gratification, and limiting sexual activity." (Encyclopedia,
p. 114)
Of course, Christian parents have become quite skilled at such repressive
methods, all the more so because the "doctrine" I have mentioned provides
what they believe is a God-given mandate to discourage sexual activity among children
of any age.
Yet it is impossible for Christian and cultural taboos to eradicate
the need and desire young people have for sexual intimacy. When young people seek
sexual intimacy, with or without the approval of church or society, they are simply
following God's natural way, even though at later ages they may do so in careless
ways because of the inadequate teaching they have received.
These are not "wicked" children. The wickedness lies in
the sexual repression of church and society. Instead of being badgered about the
evil nature of their sexuality and intimidated into an unnatural and unworkable
celibacy (or, worse, forced into irresponsible sex), children should be taught how
to love, respect and care for others and to enjoy their own sexual urges safely,
without any harm coming to them.
A recent TV movie portrayed the uneasiness of a father and teenage
son grappling with the potential sexual involvement of the son. The dialog went
something like this:
Father: "So you're going out tonight? Are there girls involved?"
Son: "Yeah, there'll be girls."
F: "I think its time we talked."
S: "Oh, is this the 'facts of life' thing?"
F: "Yes."
S: "OK, Dad, what do you want to know?"
F: "Very funny. I suppose you know all about being safe?"
S: "Sure, Dad."
F: "Well, just be sure you don't do it tonight with someone you
won't care for in the morning."
This scene can hardly represent an adequate piece of sex education,
but I was struck by the father's small spoonful of wisdom about caring for the person
with whom his son might become sexually involved. I am afraid that most Christian
parents whom I know would not even try to determine whether their children knew
about sexual safety in the fear that such knowledge would encourage "promiscuity."
This neglect of teaching, combined with repression, could lead their children to
careless or thoughtless sexual involvement with partners about whom they would not
"care for in the morning."
In my own Christian community I believe that the moralistic blinders
worn by many parents would cause many of them to actually prefer that their children
become pregnant or contract STDs than to teach them safe, responsible sexual behavior.
Such parents go on humming the tune that sex education promotes promiscuity and
that telling their children to "just say NO" is still the best advice,
even while their children pursue their natural sexual inclinations behind their
At the risk of appearing harsh and unkind, I must ask if people demonstrating
the attitudes just mentioned are really looking out for the best interests of their
children? I think not. Sadly, most of these would be horrified to think that they
were actually harming their children by their constant harping about abstinence
and other sexually repressive advice. In fairness, it should be said that few have
any idea of the shabby history of the traditional negative views about sexuality;
few Christian professionals (pastors, biblical scholars, even church historians)
even realize that these views arose out of the non-Jewish, non-Christian philosophies
of the ancient world and were imported into Christian teaching by Christian
teachers in the early days of the faith, teachers whose formal education had been
based on these philosophies. These terroristic, abusive tactics have become part
and parcel of the meaning of Christianity for most people and are simply not recognized
for what they are.
It is this situation, of which I am so painfully aware, that has given
me the burden to write this paper, with the hope and prayer that some parents and
other adults may implement real change in the way children are treated. The Christian
message is a message of FREEDOM; it is time that we applied that message to our
own sexuality and that of our children.
A number of researchers and child development psychologists have recommended
for years the kind of sexual openness with children that has been traditional for
centuries in some cultures. They suggest that not only is sexual self-play normal
and healthy, but sex play among peers is also. They suggest that it is actually
harmful to stifle such play, not to mention being rather futile. A recent Internet
message suggested that with all of the overwrought emphasis on child sexual abuse
in our society, much of it degenerating into witch-hunting, the real abuse of children
lies in not recognizing and encouraging their natural sexual development, including
its play and experimentation aspects.
Another critical issue concerning "God-created normality" in the lives
of our children is that of the attitude towards the body. Dave and I have
written extensively elsewhere on the issue of nudity and body acceptance. Suffice
it to say here that what most children are taught is some form of body shame or
body hatred. I mentioned above that parents commonly teach their children "modesty"
about nudity and dressing. This is no more nor less than teaching children that
their bodies are shameful and must be covered up to avoid sexual activity or "temptation."
The teaching of body shame and sexual shame necessarily go hand in hand--you can't
have the one without the other. This is often overlooked even by professionals.
While the social nudist movement is flawed in its overdone attempt to dismiss a
link between nudism and sexuality, many nudists are aware (and research studies
have proved) that nudist children generally have healthier sexual attitudes than
non-nudist children.
I am well aware that this newsletter is read by many in the swinging community.
While Liberated Christians is generally supportive of that community, one of the
major difficulties I have with its perspective is its complete silence regarding
the sexuality of children. To hear many swingers talk, it almost seems to be a badge
of honor for them that they hide their swinging activities from their children.
If they approach sex education the same way, one wonders if children of swinging
parents are nearly as ignorant sexually as those of the rest of society. I would
like to call on the readers of this newsletter and the members of our groups in
Phoenix to seriously begin facing the challenges of dealing with the sexuality of
their children and to become involved in some way in speaking up for better sex
education and greater openness in discussing these issues in the family, church
and school.
Patterns of the Past And Other Cultures
From the above discussion we understand the importance of healthy sexual development
for children and the importance of parental understanding and nurture in this area.
We also realize that parents in other cultures do not hide their own sexual activities
from their children and may even have some physical involvement with them in developing
and encouraging their sexual growth. The question, then, may be asked : How far
should adults go in helping educate their children sexually?
The taboo of all taboos, as far as our society is concerned, is that
of adults engaging in specific sexual activity with children. We recognize that
even people who consider themselves open-minded about sexuality might come down
on us pretty hard for raising this issue.
Are we discussing these things in order to find justification for
adult-child sexual activity? The reader will have to make up his or her own mind
as to our motives. We are not raising this issue to offend anyone or to propose
such activity, but it is critical to remember that we discussed earlier the difficulty
of drawing a clear line between childhood and adulthood from a cultural/historical
point of view. We then pointed out that in reality children are sexual adults at
It must also be said that in older cultures, before children began
to be regarded as excessively fragile and in need of a kind of care that has reached
pampering stages in our culture, sex between "adults" and "children"
was not at all uncommon. Marriages between very young girls and much older men have
been common throughout history in many cultures. I say this without passing any
particular value judgment on the wisdom of such unions.
It should also be noted that both religious and social rules and laws
on this issue are culturally conditioned and not God-given. Among all the sex laws
of the Old Testament, for example, so far as I know there is not even one
on the subject of what we would call adult-child sex.
Is the whole religious, social and legal pattern, which so severely
stigmatizes adult/child sex, really an improvement on the patterns of the past?
We might wonder in the light of the practices of other cultures and the silence
of the Scriptures.
Sexual Abuse: Problems and Paranoia
Let's look at some of the results of this negative modern attitude. The last fifteen
to twenty years has seen the creation of almost a cottage industry devoted to convincing
us that there are probably sexually-abusing parents on our block or among our relatives
and child molesters among our children's teachers, neighbors and loving uncles.
This began in the late 70's and climaxed in several notorious pre-school molestation
cases and the "don't-talk-to-strangers" push in the 80's. The 90's has
seen accusations of adults coming out of the repressed memory craze.
Undoubtedly the huge increase in the "discovery" and prosecution
of abuse and molestation cases in this country during this period is due in part
to a greater awareness of the possible problems, whereas such activities in previous
times were simply overlooked or more successfully hushed up.
On the other hand, the trail of both discovery and prosecution of
such cases in this period is littered with witch-hunt tactics and coached testimony
by even accredited child "experts," social workers and prosecutors, as
the notorious and failed McMartin Preschool case attests. Numerous other high-profile
cases have been thrown out or reversed on appeal, but not before people accused
of being society's greatest monsters have been ruined emotionally, professionally
and financially.
There are several classic cases in the 70's in which the children
of nudist parents were taken away on the basis of sexual abuse accusations by vindictive
relatives or nosy and self-righteous neighbors. The children were eventually returned,
but in at least one case were separated from their parents for five years while
the case snailed its way through court after court. Perhaps it is understandable
to some extent why social nudists labor overtime to convince the public that nudism
and sex have nothing to do with each other.
Newly-hatched crusades typically engage in excesses and this one,
which plays on both instinctive desires to protect children and the culturally-created
notion that children couldn't possibly choose any kind of sexual activity
with adults, is no exception.
Parent and Child in Healthy Intimacy
Returning to Human Sexuality--An Encyclopedia, we learn a lot about parents'
intimacy with their children or the lack thereof:
Long before there is any possibility of much mutual adult-style enjoyment
of sexual activity between children and adults, the children of our culture have
learned without verbal instruction that adults, even their parents, are seldom physically
intimate with them on any level, especially beyond a certain age. Child-parent intimate
interaction becomes restrained and the child's experience of intimacy enters a stage
of deprivation that lasts at least until adolescence and the beginning of the dating
"'Too much' touching, especially for boys, causes discomfort
for many parents." "Sons, imitating their fathers, express noticeably
less physical affection than do daughters for friends and relatives as well."
Homophobic attitudes among males develop early and researchers think that these
attitudes play a significant role in the intimacy fears of boys and men. (pp. 114-115)
The abuse and molestation obsession of current culture adds dramatically
to the fears of adults in touching children, even their own, and the fears of children
in being touched. We have reached a point where parents and adults have been brainwashed
to think of themselves as perverted if they are very physically intimate with preadolescent
and adolescent children, especially of the opposite sex, even when such physical
contact can't reasonably be construed as sexual.
Internet correspondents with Dave have pointed out that
it is acceptable to display shocking degrees of violence to children, including
Rambo movies, violent war games and violent sports such as boxing or hockey, but
it its not acceptable to allow them to see sexually explicitly motion pictures,
to display physical affection towards them in public or talk explicitly to them
about sex.
Different studies have drawn different conclusions about the connection
between children seeing violence on TV and in movies and committing violent acts.
Yet some youth violence has clearly been copied from what youth have seen in the
media, according to their own confessions.
But the same Internet correspondence mentioned above points out that
there is no clinical evidence that observing the sexual activity of others is in
any way harmful to children, especially when it is explained to very young ones
as not being an act of violence or pain. Healthy curiosity, even fascination and
then acceptance is the usual reaction. Some evidence also indicates that some sex
offenders have received little or no sex information as children and have been exposed
to little or no sexually explicit materials. This is exactly the opposite situation
to that claimed by some conservatives who crusade against sex education, pornography
and sex in the media.
A 13-Year-Old Who Enjoyed His "Abuse"
Recently a male adult posted this message on the Interment: "I have experienced
a situation of sexual approach myself as a 13 year old. What most people forget
is how a child is affected is largely due to the reaction of and conditioning
by society at large. I wouldn't have had half the trauma if it hadn't been for the
implantation [of the idea] that sex is bad for anyone, [but that the adult] who
approached and touched me was an evil scumsuccer and I had been 'violated'--even
though I did enjoy the experience while it happened and had a good orgasm. It felt
good! What followed was an aftermath of confusion and distress because what I had
experienced was 'improper.' So I went through a few years of difficulties, not
because of the actual incident itself, but due to my antisexual conditioning."
He continues with an account I cannot independently verify: "A
few years ago (on a talk show) a 16 year old boy said when he was 13 he had an affair
with a female school custodian that lasted two years. He later stated that while
it lasted it was great--he loved every second.... Well--his parents threw
a fit. Boy was sent to a shrink and is told he was abused. A year of conditioning
later he sits on this talk show and says what a horrible thing this woman did to
him--and still stated that he thought it was great while it lasted--he didn't know
he was being abused at the time. Now who the hell I ask you caused
the damage here?"
The Confusion of Culture and a Word of Caution
This person's report perhaps demonstrates more eloquently than I or a line-up of
professionals could how the confusion in our culture about sexuality and childhood,
the impossibility of drawing a line between childhood and adulthood and the general
ignorance and misunderstanding of sexuality calls into question the popular and
legal dictums about adult-child sex.
Variations exist among professional researchers regarding the harmfulness
or benefits of sexual experiences shared by children and adults and some professionals
are suggesting that there may be no harm at all in non-coercive experiences. Such
opinion seems to fit with the testimony of people such as the one just quoted. This
shift in opinion among those who study childhood sexuality at least suggests that
adults are not committing the "unpardonable sin" merely by rethinking
these issues.
In spite of not wanting to need to say this, we must say that we do
not advise or condone adults having sex with youth under "legal age" for
at least two reasons. The first is JAIL (no small reason, unfortunately) and the
second is because the psychological implications of such activity in our
culture could be vastly different from the implications in cultures where such activity
has long been the norm.
We cannot suddenly convert ourselves to the permissive and radically
open norms of other cultures, no matter how attractive they may be. That is not
the point of this discussion. I would, however, like to summarize what we have learned
in this discussion of childhood sexuality. Then I will make some suggestions that,
if followed, might help parents and others towards a healthier and more practical
approach to dealing with childhood sexuality. Before this, however, I would like
to cite some recent media-reported examples of the weirdness that goes on in our
culture today regarding children and sexuality.
First, the recent flap over the Calvin Klein ads using teenagers, ads that were
pulled from magazines and TV after public allegations that they were "obscene"
and exploitative of minors:
So far as advertising is concerned, these ads are clearly intended
to use sex to sell clothes--no new phenomenon in our culture. The reactions
to the ads by irate parents and the "moral" high-brows and even the FBI
are examples of the ridiculous and futile efforts to deny that "children"
(teens, no less, in this case) are sexual.
Second, the same religious and cultural narrow-mindedness is illustrated
by the conservative outcry against the new fall TV shows in prime-time whose
content the media coyly refer to as involving "adult themes." This, of
course, is in contrast to the formerly sacred "family viewing" hours of
early evening programming. When we clear away all the smoke-screen language, what
this controversy is all about is the new inclusion of sex in prime-time.
The traditional bottom line is that sex is not a "family value."
These are just more (tiresome) examples of our denial that children and sex should
have anything to do with one another. It is precisely this kind of nonsense that
should light a fire of reform among those who claim to be more open-minded about
sexuality. It will do little good for future generations if those of us who make
such a claim do not begin acting to change attitudes in our families, churches and
communities, including our schools.
What is needed is sane, sensible, practical, open-minded teaching
and management of childhood sexuality in order to raise children who appreciate
their sexuality, accept it as normal, recognize its spiritual dimensions, respect
the sexuality of others and enjoy sexual activity in appropriate ways. What is needed
is to abandon the ancient religious and cultural shortsightedness of seeing sex
as only or primarily for procreation (and therefore only permissible in marriage),
help our youth to enjoy it responsibly for the sake of building relationships now,
as preparation for the relationships of later life and for the sake of its legitimate
role of pleasure giving and receiving.
What have we learned from this discussion of childhood
1. The change in attitudes towards children in the past several centuries has produced
the belief that children are nonsexual. This results in the reluctance to educate
children sexually in the belief that they shouldn't engage in sexual activity and
that they cannot reasonably consent to such activity with their peers or with adults.
2. The distinction between childhood and adulthood is not hard and
fast either biologically or psychologically, varies from culture to culture and
has changed through history.
3. Ancient cultures and some modern ones regarded sexuality as normal
and sexual activity among youth as natural and to be encouraged rather than repressed.
4. There is an appalling ignorance and many negative attitudes towards
sexuality in our culture, which are the result of both Christian and other cultural
5. The Christian church has created doctrines to support its negative
attitudes to sexuality and civil governments have created corresponding laws to
enforce the moral values enshrined in these doctrines. These doctrines and laws
are not founded on true biblical teachings and in fact contribute to a physical
and spiritual bondage by inhibiting the full potential of our humanity in its sexual
6. Children of all ages are sexual beings, capable of certain types
and levels of sexual activity and enjoyment.
7. The sexuality of children is God-created, normal and beneficial,
rather than sinful and harmful.
8. Children develop their sexual attitudes towards themselves and
others based on the attitudes and teaching of their parents; in our culture the
repressive tactics of parents result in negative sexual attitudes in children.
9. The negative sexual attitudes developed in childhood inevitably
produce negative sexual attitudes and functioning in adulthood.
10. The most serious sexual problem in our society is not premarital
sex, unwanted teen pregnancies or even AIDS; it is the failure to accept our children's
sexuality and teach them to accept it and enjoy it responsibly.
11. The examples of other cultures and the bizarre and harmful results
of the overemphasis in our culture on child sexual abuse suggest that our culture
is far from mature in its views of adult-child sexual activity.
Where do we go from here?: Suggestions for growing sexually
healthy children
1. Christian laypersons and ministry professionals should commit themselves to restudy
the Scriptures in the light of historical and linguistic evidence to determine whether
the traditional negative teachings of Christianity regarding sex are what the Scriptures
really teach. They should also be aware that the Bible is not a textbook
on sexuality and that, therefore, many issues cannot be resolved directly from its
teachings. This suggests that we are given freedom to choose our own preferences
in relationship to many sexual issues and that God is not concerned about them the
way many Christians are. (One case in point: the Bible makes no reference to pornography
[better called "erotica"]; thus it is a false use of the biblical text
to reason that passages dealing with "lust" can be applied to pornography.)
2. Since most conservative Christians cannot accept radical new interpretations
of Scripture that challenge their tightly-held traditional views, people in conservative
churches who have greater light on these issues should try to get the attention
of more open-minded pastors and youth leaders and show them from Scripture that
the traditional views do not stand up under serious study. It is likely that only
respected leaders will be able to help the rank and file of Christians to change
their views about sexuality.
3. Adults must tackle the problem of accepting, healing and exploring
their own sexuality as a God-given aspect of their humanity and spirituality.
They should seek out people, published resources and even professional therapy that
can help in this process. There is hope for children only if the significant adults
in their lives begin dealing with their own attitudes towards sexuality.
4. Adults, especially parents and church leaders, should search for
quality sex education materials prepared to help them help their children, as well
as materials specially prepared for children of various ages. Conservative Christian
parents will have to go outside their traditional boundaries and into the materials
of more "liberal" churches or secular sources to locate such materials
and then adapt them to their own Christian perspective.
5. Parents and other concerned adults should seek out one another
to discuss and pray regarding their own sexual issues and those of their children.
They should find strength in one another to plan and execute, perhaps with professional
help, new ways of teaching their children.
6. Parents should not go on a guilt trip if they realize they have
failed to promote healthy development and freedom for their children in terms of
sexuality, but have tended to follow the negative ways of tradition. Rather, they
should realize that these way can be changed, not easily, perhaps, but with determination
and help from other sources.
7. With careful help and support from one another, parents should
rethink their tendency to back off even from general physical affection-showing
towards their children. This may be scary and it may be very difficult to recreate
this affection with older children who have not experienced it in recent years--and
there is no guarantee of success. Parents of younger children should examine their
physical affection patterns and realize that it is better to err on the side of
too much than too little. These challenges may confront adults with their own problems
with physical intimacy (not sexual activity), which may demand that they seek their
own healing in these areas.
8. Children need to be taught that it is OK to explore their own sexuality
and, with proper direction and support, to experiment with their peers. The difficulty
with the latter is that parents of other children may not be open-minded
about such things. Interestingly, children carry out some of this without their
parents' knowledge, so it may be best to simply let your children know that such
exploration is OK with you and be willing to deal with other parents if necessary.
9. Adolescent and teenage children need to be taught the details of
sexual life and the techniques of sexual relationships. Most of all they need to
be taught how to LOVE others and to understand that sexual loving is acceptable
to God at any age. They need to be taught about true intimacy in relationships
and not just how to "have sex." Then they need to be taught how to be
responsible in their loving, which includes safe-sex procedures.
10. Children need to see that their parents are not ashamed of their
own sexuality. Parents of small children should seriously consider not hiding their
own sexual encounters from their children so they grow up realizing that there is
nothing shameful about these activities.
11. Parents should become aware of what their children are being taught
in school about sexuality. Among the reasons given by the religious right for opposing
sex-ed in the public schools is that such things should be taught at home. They
are technically right, but not only are their motives suspect (they don't want open-minded
thought on sex reaching their children), but they don't really teach their children
much at all about sex at home. If all parents did so, then perhaps public school
sex-ed would not be necessary. If parents feel inadequate to teach their children,
then they should at least support healthy school programs that really teach children
responsible sexual behavior and not just abstinence, which really doesn't work.
12. Parents should stand up for their own sexual rights and
not let them be dictated by the religious right and their legislative or over-reacting
enforcement authorities, whether this is in the area of censorship of sexually explicit
materials, anti-nudity legislation or the rights of adults to enjoy any area of
sexual activity that does not infringe on the rights of others.
13. I have no great advice to give in the area of adult-child sexual
activity. Changes in this area will come slowly, as in all areas where ancient prejudices
are at work. Parents should search their own motives and their consciences and seek
to create healthy, responsible and always non-coercive ways to relate physically
and emotionally to their children. In spite of the controversial nature of these
issues, perhaps parents should at least break the silence taboo and talk with others
about their feelings, ideas and what they may be learning from materials such as
this paper. Perhaps future generations will more fully recognize the merging
nature of childhood and adulthood, rather than insist on the present view of a radical
break between these phases of life. Perhaps these generations will look back on
some of the overwrought concerns of our day with amusement that we were so immature.
14. Finally, I invite readers to give Liberated Christians their feedback
to the ideas in this paper. Dialog is never bad and should promote understanding,
especially in difficult areas of thought and practice. We are not experts, but are
open to sharing what we believe we understand, creating means for group discussion
to take place and learning from others.
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