Liberated Christians
PO Box 55045, Phoenix Az 85078-5045
Promoting Intimacy and Other-Centered Sexuality
Note: Liberated Christians is a primarily about heterosexual relationships.
While we are supportive of all sexual orientations, the leaders do not have the
resources to assist them in their special issues. Thus, our Fellowship groups are
not appropriate for gays/lesbians. However, individually Dave (an extreme heterosexual
- Kinsey Scale= 0) has done extensive biblical research and has been active supporting
biblical homosexuality for many years. However, there is no "official"
stand as an organization on homosexuality other than general support.
A Lettter To Pat Robertson of the 700 Club
Note: This is a public letter to Pat Robertson from, reposted
with his permission and encouragement. It shows how dangerous Pat Robertson is in
that so many of his "fans" actually believe his lies and false teachings
concerning homosexuality. Pat is an abomination that needs to be exposed as such.
He is a disgrace to Christians who seek scriptural truth not the perverted traditional
views that have changed the original texts for an agenda based on repression and
Re-posted with permission by a biblical Christian who happened
to have been born very heterosexual. I didn't choose my heterosexual orientation,
it was simply how I was born. The same is true for those born homosexual or bisexual.
Their only "sin" is being just as God created them. The "sin"
is in the false teachings and twisting by the likes of Pat Robertson.
Subject: PAT ROBERTSON & Homosexuality
A letter from to Pat Robertson, whose 700 Club is presented a
3-part 3-day series of lies on homosexuality March 26-28,1996]
Dear Dr. Robertson,
Hope all is well with you. I am writing you concerning the first of your "three
part series on homosexuality: dispelling the myths".
I am glad you at least put on a sugar coated patina of "loving concern"
this time around and dropped the "homosexuals are Nazis and Satanists"
sound bite, but your broadcast still very much angered me. You did not dispel a
single myth, you spread them nationwide tonight like so much fertilizer. And you
are doing two more just like this tomorrow and Thursday.
My father has always loved, supported and accepted me, Pat, EXCEPT for my sexual
orientation. According to your obsolete notions, then, I ought to be heterosexual.
Well, I'm not. The only way he could have been more accepting would be to drop his
religion-based homophobia, and yet this is exactly what you do not want him to do.
You claim that "most" lesbians are lesbian because of sexual abuse by
males. You threw out a figure like "29%" which is certainly not "most"
by any standard. Does it ever occur to you, Pat, that one reason many lesbians are
raped or abused by predatory men is that the man finds out the woman's sexual orientation
and then threatens to tell everyone unless she goes along with his wishes? Others
have raped lesbians claiming that they have a Godgiven imperative to "teach
them how to be a woman". I had such a friend in Santa Barbara who was raped
by an HIV positive straight man and died of AIDS in 1994. She is dead in part because
of the myths spread by people like you.
Such antigay figures as Dr. Socarides and Phyllis Schlafly have gay children. How
do you explain that? Were they bad parents? Then what business do they have telling
other parents how to raise their children???? You insist that most homosexuals are
unhappy because all the ones that called your counsellors said so. Does it occur
to you that the ones who are well adjusted and accept themselves would not be calling
your counselling lines in the first place? Hello???
Furthermore, does it ever occur to you that any homosexuals who are unhappy are
that way not because it is pathological but because of the level of antigay persecution
and sometimes the difficulty in meeting the "right person" from a small
portion of the population than heterosexuals can choose from? Have you ever read
studies that show that gays are happier in liberal big cities than in intolerant
rural and small town places?
Your show's "refutations" of the gene studies were very weak. You commented
on the fact that not all identical twins had the same sexual orientation as "proof"
that it cannot be genetic. First of all, there is no way to prove some of the twins
were not lying about their sexual orientation, and second, sexual orientation may
also be influenced by in utero levels of hormone exposure. It's been found that
human twins often receive disparate hormone exposure even if they are gestated at
the same time. Experiments with lab mammals have found these exposures can permanently
determine the animal's sexual orientation, and there may be some parallels to human
development. It ain't just the genes, pal.
For someone so obsessed with other women's pregnancies and their right to decide
on whether to terminate them, Pat, you certainly are ignorant about reproduction.
You also cited the fact that one study's author was gay, and that therefore the
study had to be rejected as biased. Then you had Robert Knight of Family Research
Council, an antigay group, comment. Why are "biased" sources discounted
when they disagree with you and counted when they agree with you? You mentioned
that the Hamer study was being investigated for fraud, but so is antigay researcher
Paul Cameron, who was expelled for distorting the findings of other researchers
and expelled by the APA in 1984. And what did you do, Pat? You had Mr. Cameron appear
on the 700 Club as a "scientific expert on homosexuality". HA!
Your guest, Mr Davies of Exodus, claims he is proof that homosexuality is not permanent
because he was attracted to men for a while and never acted on it. That is not coming
out of homosexuality, Pat, that is called bisexuality. Look it up in the dictionary.
The fact that not all people are gay or straight does not mean it is not hereditary,
only that it may be a mix, much as hair color has a broad spectrum that is determined
by genes.
I certainly felt bad for the woman featured tonight who said she grew up teased
for her appearance and was never My arm was broken in seventh grade gym because
a ninth grader had decided I was a "Faggot". I can only shudder to think
what would have happened if he had actually known that for a fact. I also shudder
to think what would have happened if I had succeeded in a 1984 suicide attempt that
resulted in a two week hospital stay and extensive counselling, as a result of which
I am now mentally healthy and productive. But, I still have scars on my left hand
to remind me that this happens to lots of kids.
This is the kind of event that some schools are trying to stop by teaching students
it is wrong to be hateful toward gay young people, and your followers, Pat, are
the ones resisting that every step of the way.
Your story on this woman implied that she became a lesbian because of her loneliness
and someone who "recruited" her by showing love and acceptance. Then,
you talk about this fundamentalist woman who did the same thing, and cite this as
"proof" that people can "come out of homosexuality". Pat, the
two situations are the same thing. She was looking for love and she probably is
still attracted to women. Her sexual orientation has nothing to do with her being
As documented by the APA, Exodus is a fraud that has left thousands of gay and lesbian
people with huge bills and crushed psyches. Its male cofounders founders didn't
even stay straight, they fell in love with each other and denounced the group. What
a farce!
A Tennessee woman in your audience asked what her church should do about a gay man
who had a sex change to female. She seemed very sincerely concerned. You visibly
snickered. Gender reassignment surgery costs up to $30,000 dollars, Pat, and it
is only allowed if the patient has extensive counselling first to make sure this
drastic change is the right idea. This person was in a lot of pain if he went through
all that to become a she, and what was your Christian response to that? You snickered
and then said "I think this is such a small group of people that it doesn't
really matter".
Well. I thought you believed "A person is a person is a person"? Gays
and lesbians, according to you, are a small group of people, and yet you spend almost
all your time obsessed with making their lives difficult. A lot of transgendered
people are not gay to begin with. Please read some materials on this phenomenon.
A Tennessee man in the audience then asked whether gays were really 10% of the population,
and you claimed this was only found by fraudulent studies done by Kinsey. You said
that "every study I've seen has shown that 2% of men and 1% of women are lesbians
and that's it!" Pat, with people like you around encouraging hostility to gays
and lesbians, did it occur to you that a lot of people surveyed probably lied that
they were straight or refused to participate? Hello??
Even your "scientific" friend Dr Paul Cameron, who hates gays so much
he has called for their extermination (see Koop's autobiography), puts the figure
at 3% (TIME, Nov 15 1992). Your cohost, Terry Meeuwwsen, claimed PFLAG stood for
"Parents Friends and *Lovers* of Gays". The LAG actually stands for Lesbians
and Gays. You are that ignorant about a group that you are suing to stop ads that
accurately patote your own hateful words?
Finally, you explicitly said that "sexual orientation" does not keep anyone
from going to heaven, and that only if homosexuals are "in the promiscuous
lifestyle" will they go to hell. The assumption here seems to be that homosexuals
are either celibate or promiscuous, never monogamous. Have you ever read the Ninth
Commandment that you keep trying to force public schools to display? Your confusion
of the Koine Greek word for temple prostitute in Revelations with "homosexual"
was a particularly poor bit of Biblical exgesis, but I digress.
Directly following your 9 pm broadcast, your Family Channel featured a "Three
Stooges" short in which the Stooges dressed up as women. Now why, Pat, do you
take the "abomination" thing about homosexuals so seriously and then feature
crossdressing on your network, when Leviticus mention *both* as abominations?
It appears, Pat, that you really take your show, and the pain of people like the
transgendered woman your audience mentioned, about as seriously as you take the
Stooges. Shame on you. You are causing real pain and violence, Pat, and you need
Pat Robertson concluded his three-part series tonight on the Family Channel about
the "Myth" of homosexuality by declaring that, "The nightmare of
AIDS is a consequence of a person's behavior." Once again, Pat hit hard on
the theme that for one man to lie down with another is an abomination. He also made
repeated reference to a transformation which he and his co-hosts described as "Coming
out of homosexuality."
Videotaped footage of a gay man was shown. In the interview, the man stated, "I
struggled with homosexuality for over ten years."
Pat said that "Prayer helped him overcome his attraction to men," but
it was too late: "He died as a result of his homosexual behavior."
In-studio guest, Anita Worthen was brought out to give her testimony as to what
it is like to be a Christian mother of a gay man. Her son, 31, has full-blown AIDS
and according to her, "was led into the homosexual lifestyle by a guidance
counselor. He was seduced and trapped by him. Not having a father figure around
causes homosexuality," in her opinion. Her son had a lover of 10 years who
died of AIDS. She said you can still show love to your children without showing
them approval." [Love without affirmation? I don't think so.] "Homosexuality
causes parents to go through shame...guilt..."
Later, Anita married one of the founders of Exodus (a "de-gaying support group"
which uses fear and coercion to brainwash homosexuals into a twisted brand of Christianity).
Her own husband was homosexual until he was forty-something. They married when he
was 55. Pat asked her what was going through her mind when she married him, "knowing
he had been a homosexual," and she responded, "Sex isn't a big thing for
women." She said they just cuddle.
Pat actually said that sexual preference is going to go away with age. "Then,
what happens with your spirit?" he asked, rhetorically.
Pat said hundreds of people have been calling in to the 700 Club the past couple
of days who want out of homosexuality. "Many of them are depressed and suicidal
because of it." He urged viewers in this situation to call his ministry by
saying, "If you want to be free, I want you to call, right now."
A person wrote in a question to Pat Robertson that was read on the air to ask if
they should attend their brother's gay wedding. Pat answered, "I don't think
so. I think showing up to that wedding would be putting your stamp of approval on
it. Tell your brother, 'I think it's wrong and I just can't go along with this stuff.'"
Dr. Robertson also explained that the concept that God is a God of Love is misunderstood.
"He's also a God of Wrath. Read Deuteronomy. When Moses is speaking... 'You
shall love the Lord your God and fear the Lord your God. God is a consuming fire.'
He sets standards for human beings." Pat used adultery as an example.
Also in Pat Robertson's own words:
"Homosexuality is not loving, it's lust. And whether or not YOU think it's
love is tough luck."
"I think we are destroyed when we have this Council of Rabbis and Churches,
which says that we have to acknowledge this so-called loving relationship. God says,
'I don't recognize it.'" Pat rationalized his tone by declaring, "This
isn't harsh, we LOVE people."
"Homosexuality is bringing terrible disease to the world, not just AIDS - Intestinal
disease, and various other types of so-called STDs, we have an epidemic of STDs,"
Pat also said.
In response to another alleged viewer question, Pat said that effeminate mannerisms
will go away if a person comes out of homosexuality. "Effeminate mannerisms
are learned." Co-host, Terry Meeuwwsen also observed, "a man carries himself
a certain way."
Perhaps the only humor in the program came when Pat referred to a previous segment
in the series that highlighted a transsexual. "[She] was gorgeous, with the
makeup and everything. Still a good-looking man, even though he was now a woman.
He drew my attention." Pat seemed disoriented and slightly confused as he squirmed
in his seat.
Pat and his co-hosts compared homosexuality to alcoholism and drug addiction.
He also complained that P-FLAG was accusing him of causing teen depression and suicides.
He lamented, "I'm just trying to tell the loving truth of the Gospel. If people
feel guilty, it's because they feel that way for not following the laws of God.
They hate what they're doing and not sure how they can get out of it."
Pat said, "That's no reason to go to the Gay Parade in San Francisco and blaze
Bill Py, Special Contributor, G/L/B/T BB
Note: Pat Robertson's e-mail address is:
Replies of interest:
Replying to another comment of JG: <My personal opinion is that homosexuality
is not really that much of an issue to Pat himself, but a lucrative money-maker
for his organization. He knows what buttons to push.>
JG, my sentiment exactly. I enjoyed reading the message to Robertson and appreciate
the time he spent researching and composing it. I specially liked his documentation
of the lies and distortion of simple everyday fact. But people like Robertson get
similar messages like this all the time. It's just part of the cost of doing business
- you win some you loose some. Sometimes I try to put myself in Robertson's position
with all that dough rolling in and, although I see myself as a fairly nice guy,
it sure would be a temptation to keep the ball rolling onto bigger and better things.
As you say, he knows what buttons to push. It seems that's about all he does know.
It's a simple trick, but the dollars just keep on coming. Now, why can't I find
a job like that?
The sad thing though is that Robertson is the antithesis of the one that he purports
to emulate. Instead of Christ I fear we have a Judas in our midst. As the story
goes, in the beginning Judas truly loved Christ. The problem was that Christ never
grew into the person Judas wanted him to be. The truth is that when you look deeply
into the heart of everyman you will find a Judas. It's just that most do not allow
themselves to become a prostitute for that baseness. But then again - some do. Hope
this helps. Ron
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