Liberated Christians
PO Box 55045, Phoenix Az 85078-5045
Promoting Intimacy and Other-Centered Sexuality
Note: Liberated Christians is a primarily about heterosexual relationships.
While we are supportive of all sexual orientations, the leaders do not have the
resources to assist them in their special issues. Thus, our Fellowship groups are
not appropriate for gays/lesbians. However, individually Dave (an extreme heterosexual
- Kinsey Scale= 0) has done extensive biblical research and has been active supporting
biblical homosexuality for many years. However, there is no "official"
stand as an organization on homosexuality other than general support.
Many More Born Gay Than Jews In The U.S.
Yet they have to hide and be mistreated
Some claim gays only make up 1% of the population, which would be about 2.7 million
citizens. Considering more than 500,000 attended the 1993 gay pride day in New York
City (police estimate gays claimed 700,000), this would mean 1 in every 5 gays living
in the United States attended...including 3 year olds and 90 year olds. Obviously
that is absurd, only a very small percentage of the total gay population would be
active enough to go to New York for the event! The 1994 parade had as many as 2
The government study which showed 1.534% was not confidential but verbal in person
interviews. With all the anti gay feelings in the U.S. what makes you think someone
would admit to a government worker, in person, they were gay. What is amazing is
that they did get 1% admittance. What makes the study even more ridiculous is it
was conducted in two towns, both in states with anti-sodomy laws and consisted of
only 3,371 people, all men!
The Kinsey 10% study is also flawed but probably closer to the correct figure. Its
problem is one of his many research assistants was gay and may have gone into heavily
gay populated areas. However, Kinsey's study was conducted in all 50 states and
with many more people. Since no other serious studies have been done, perhaps a
7% figure is most likely.
There is no way to know how many gays there are since many hide like the Jews did
in Germany, fearing the persecution for simply being as God created them, just like
being born a Jew. When the persecution ends, gays like Jews, will then be able to
come out and smile proudly in the light of day. Gays are not made, they are born,
just like those born of Jewish descent.
Regardless the number 2.7 million or 20 million, does that mean we have the right
to pass laws against all these Americans and deny them equal rights in housing,
the military, employment etc?
There are only 5 million Jews living in the U.S. which is only about 2% or the population.
Should we enact anti-Jewish laws because there aren't that many Jews in America?
Update on Homosexual Studies based on 1994 survey Source: Associated Press 9/10/94
"Same-sex attraction called high - up to 20% in US 'incidentally' gay"
The problem with prior surveys is they asked people if they considered themselves
homosexual. Of course the percentages were very low, since few people in our homophobic
society would admit to it - especially to a stranger.
A study by Randall Sell, James Wells and David Wypij at Harvard School of Public
Health, found that 6.2% to 20.8% of American men and 3.3% to 17.8% of women could
be considered "incidentally homosexual". The higher percentages are based
on admitted homosexual behavior or attraction since age 15. The lower percentages
are admissions of actual same sex behavior in the last 5 years. Again the true %
of actual same sex behavior is probably much higher, but the admission rate is greater
than past studies.
The study also concludes that sexual orientation is often in a range rather than
either at the extremes. In other words, many people are bi-sexual depending on the
The best guess of actual homosexuality in the U.S. population is probably 10%, again
since it is likely in all these studies many will not admit their homosexual activities
in our society that falsely teaches there is something wrong with homosexuality,
which is simply a natural sexual orientation God gave many people..
Regardless of whether the number is 2% or 20%, the issue is to end discrimination
and the false religious teachings that there is anything wrong with someone simply
because they have a natural homosexual or bisexual gender orientation.
Remember Jews are only 2% of the U.S. population, far less than the homosexual population.
Yet no one is running around tying to make laws to discriminate against Jews. Homosexuals
should likewise not be discriminated against, simply because God created them with
a sexual orientation that is offensive to perhaps 80% of the population.
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