Liberated Christians
PO Box 55045, Phoenix Az 85078-5045
Promoting Intimacy and Other-Centered Sexuality
Note: Liberated Christians is a primarily about heterosexual relationships.
While we are supportive of all sexual orientations, the leaders do not have the
resources to assist them in their special issues. Thus, our Fellowship groups are
not appropriate for gays/lesbians. However, individually Dave (an extreme heterosexual
- Kinsey Scale= 0) has done extensive biblical research and has been active supporting
biblical homosexuality for many years. However, there is no "official"
stand as an organization on homosexuality other than general support.
The Universal Fellowship Of Metropolitan Community
See for extensive
information, links and local Church's worldwide.
Not A Sin-Not A Sickness
UFMCC's Statement of Christian Faith
The Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches plays a vital role in
addressing the spiritual needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered
community around the world. For those of us who were raised in a religious atmosphere,
homosexuality was usually associated with shame and guilt. As a result, many of
us were cut off from the spiritual dimension of our lives. Metropolitan Community
Churches provide an opportunity to explore a spiritual experience that affirms who
we are.
Today, as self-aware and self-affirming gay men and lesbians, we reclaim the fullness
of our humanity, including our spirituality. We find great truths in the religious
tradition, and we find that our encounter with God is transformational and healing.
Throughout the twenty-seven year history of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan
Community Churches, thousands of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and heterosexual
people have found hope, and have lived the joy, reverence, and excitement of our
fellowship and faith in God. We have seen how people have been changed by this experience.
Quite simply, we make a difference in people's lives.
Thousands of individuals have experienced emotional healing and reconciliation from
abuse and oppression, and countless members and friends credit their involvement
in the Fellowship and its congregations with saving their lives. We experience our
communities of faith as places of healing and hope, places of reconciliation with
family, with self-esteem, and with individual spirituality.
For many centuries, the Christian Church's attitude toward human sexuality was very
negative: sex was for procreation, not for pleasure; women and slaves were considered
property to be owned by males; and many expressions of heterosexuality, like homosexuality,
were considered sinful. Such tradition often continues to influence churches today.
Many teach that women should be subordinate to men, continue to permit forms of
discrimination against peoples of color, and condemn homosexuals. They say that
all homosexual acts are sinful, often referring to their interpretation of scripture.
Other churches today are influenced by a century of psychoanalytic thought promoted
through a powerful minority in the field of medicine. They see homosexuality as
some kind of sickness. Although this view has now been soundly discredited by the
medical profession, some churches and clergy continue to be influenced by the idea.
They say that homosexuals are "imperfect" and in need of "healing."
The good news is that, since 1968, when Metropolitan Community Church was founded,
the emergence of a strong lesbian and gay community, and the conclusions of new
scientific studies on homosexuality have forced the Christian Church to reexamine
these issues. A growing number of biblical and theological scholars now recognize
that Scripture does not condemn loving, responsible homosexual relationships. Therefore,
gay men and lesbians should be accepted - just as they are-in Christian churches,
and homosexual relationships should be celebrated and affirmed!
This is the simple declaration of what UFMCC believes, as stated in our By-Laws,
and accepted by our General Conference:
Christianity is the revelation of God in Jesus Christ and is the religion set forth
in the scriptures. Jesus Christ is foretold in the Old Testament, presented in the
New Testament, and proclaimed by the Christian Church in every age and in every
Founded in the interest of offering a church home to all who confess and believe,
the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches moves in the mainstream
of Christianity.
Our faith is based upon the principles outlined in the historic creeds: Apostles
and Nicene.
We believe:
In one triune God, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, of one substance and
of three persons: God - our Parent-Creator; Jesus Christ the only begotten son of
God, God in flesh, human; and the Holy Spirit - God as our Sustainer. That the Bible
is the divinely inspired Word of God, showing forth God to every person through
the law and the prophets, and finally, completely and ultimately on earth in the
being of Jesus Christ. That Jesus...the Christ...historically recorded as living
some 2,000 years before this writing, is God incarnate, of human birth, fully God
and fully human, and that by being one with God, Jesus has demonstrated once and
forever that all people are likewise Children of God, being spiritually made in
God's image. That the Holy Spirit is God making known God's love and interest to
all people. The Holy Spirit is God, available to and working through all who are
willing to place their welfare in God's keeping. Every person is justified by grace
to God through faith in Jesus Christ. We are saved from loneliness, despair and
degradation through God's gift of grace, as was declared by our Savior. Such grace
is not earned, but is a pure gift from a God of pure love. We further commend the
community of the faithful to a life of prayer; to seek genuine forgiveness for unkind,
thoughtless and unloving acts; and to a committed life of Christian service. The
Church serves to bring all people to God through Christ. To this end, it shall arrange
for regular services of worship, prayer, interpretation of the Scriptures, and edification
through the teaching and preaching of the Word.
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