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Promoting Intimacy and Other-Centered Sexuality
The Folly of Sexual Repression
An Essay by Shiva Rodriguez
Being a citizen of the United States of America, I am accustomed to hearing
proud, flag-waving Americans loudly proclaim that we are the land of the free.
However, this freedom apparently does not extend to sexual matters, and our
society pays more dearly for that than most people are aware.
Sexual repression is nothing new. Many societies around the world place
restrictions on the sex lives of their citizens, often with heavy consequences
should an individual deviate from what is considered acceptable in that society.
Adulterers, unwed lovers, homosexuals, and even people caught in the act of
masturbating have been institutionalized, tortured, mutilated, or even executed
for committing acts of sexual gratification.
While we no longer hang people for having sex out of wedlock or clamp spiked
rings over the penises of masturbators, we can still hear the harpies of
morality screeching their anti-sex agendas from pulpits and campaign platforms
across the country. Concerned citizens boycott stores that carry literature
about certain forms of sexual activity and lobby to squash anything remotely
resembling sexual education in our schools. Television and radio producers are
fined and chastised if their programming is deemed to be too racy for those
moral-minded, sensitive American audiences. Adult-oriented establishments are
greatly restricted in their activities, watched like hawks, and heavily fined or
shut down completely for whatever whimsical reason the vice squads can dream up.
Even in the privacy of their own homes, citizens are strongly discouraged
against practicing any type of sexual activity outside of mundane and marital
pairings. And while some bold groups of open-minded individuals may stand up and
claim their right to have sex with whomever and however they’d like, they
quickly find themselves being held up as the poster children for everything that
is wrong in America. Oh, how a much better place the USA would be if we didn’t
have all those pesky homosexuals, masturbators, swingers, fetishists, and
fornicators around, they say.
I say rubbish.
Some of the side effects of sexual repression as observed in human beings
include lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, depression, suicidal
tendencies, and higher aggressive behavior. A child who has been taught to
believe that sex is dirty and bad will often mature to become an adult who is
self-conscious about his body and overwhelmed with guilt when the natural desire
to breed arouses him. Adults who are restricted in their sexual inclinations
will often experience frustration that can result in either suicidal actions or
violence towards others.
It should come as a surprise to no one that societies that have more relaxed
legislature over sexual matters enjoy a lower violent crime rate and are not
often seen butting heads with other societies on the war field. This phenomenon
was best documented in a study of one of our closest relatives, the Bonobo ape.
Bonobos, closely related to chimpanzees and also sharing more than 98 percent of
the human genetic profile, are a species of primate which uses sexual activity
not only for reproduction but also for social bonding. Bonobos have been
observed to be indiscriminate in their sexual relations in regards to age or
gender, and also are considered to be one of the more peaceful groupings of
animals on the planet. Unlike chimpanzees and other animals that have a
dominant-male or a strictly monogamous structure, the Bonobos are not often
observed being aggressive towards one another over food, mates, or territory.
Even in human studies, sexual relief has been proven an effective remedy for
anxiety, stress, and even some forms of depression. The personal vibrator itself
was originally designed as a medical tool for doctors to use on their female
patients to “relieve hysteria.” (Strangely enough, masturbating was considered
to be an extremely unhealthy activity at the time, but it was OK if a physician
did it for you.)
Numerous medical professionals, psychologists, philosophers, and other champions
of sexual liberation and its benefits to society have been defamed and their
work bastardized by political and religious leaders on the platform of morality
and wholesome family values. Citizens of such societies are therefore instructed
to deeply repress many of their strong natural urges and desires, resulting in
an increase of frustration, stress, and emotional instability that is disguised
with the mask of being “the right thing to do.”
Often this opens the door wide for religion, particularly the brands that demand
their followers forsake earthly delights and suppress all natural inclinations
as proof of being a good and worthy person. Never has the idea of how sexual
repression can result in aggressive behavior been better demonstrated than with
the history of the followers of such religions butchering and torturing other
peoples whose attitudes on such subjects differed from their own. Nor is it a
coincidence that the punishments dealt to such people often involved the
mutilation of their sexual organs.
Even in modern times, we find an astounding number of violent sex crimes
committed by perpetrators who speak of sexual repression and insecurity when
interrogated. While the moral-minded platform speakers would have us believe
that such criminal behavior is a model example of what people would be like if
we were free to do as we pleased sexually, they fail to acknowledge that such
crimes are often committed as the result of intense and long-term suppression of
sexual desires.
One observation that counters the idea that sex crimes are the result of being
exposed to an environment with relaxed moral codes is the fact that when some
countries legalized pornography or other forms of sexual gratification, the rate
of such crimes decreased dramatically, even by as much as 50 percent.
Just as an animal will either sink into an unhealthy, lethargic depression or go
violently mad when confined to a small cage and denied freedom to abide by its
nature, so will humans who are restricted by cages of sexual morality.
- Shiva Rodriguez
The Evil that Men Do
by Stephen G. Michaud & Roy Hazelwood
St. Martin’s Press, NY 1998
Sexual Imagery, Censorship, and the Law -
Bonobo Sex and Society, by Frans B.M. de Wall -
Article shared with full credit and no commercial purpose under the fair use
educational provisions of the U.S. Copyright Law and International treaties.
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