Liberated Christians
PO Box 55045, Phoenix Az 85078-5045

Promoting Intimacy and Other-Centered Sexuality


Tantra: The Old Lost Art Of Fulfilling Sexuality

Our Sexually Immature Culture
Our society is full of tease, titillation and men taught to look at women as sex objects. We have no meaningful intimacy education and never will until we drop the false sexual repressiveness of religion used for controlling people and reorient ourselves towards loving sexual fulfillment.

We are not born naturally good at sex and we have little or no training in sexuality other than by hit and miss experimentation. We are largely conditioned by a belief system that often instills guilt, fear, insecurity or shame in our sexuality. We need to take back sexuality and integrate it with our spirits in a way that results in much more love, intimacy and fulfillment than what our culture has taught us. That is the basic teaching of Tantra.

Many couples have terrible sexual relations, since they have never been taught fulfilling sexuality, which doesn't just come naturally hiding by yourselves in a dark bedroom. Men especially often have no idea how to give maximum pleasure to a women. Real responsible sex education is needed, not Christian repression based on mistranslated or misinterpreted scripture.

New Age Ideas Becoming Popular Again

Many warm, open people are attracted to New Age and Eastern beliefs. Many flee from the anti-sex, anti-body teaching of many Christians but falsely think they have to give up Christianity to be sexually open and fulfilled.

Tantra Teaching Needed Not Christian Repression

Tantra is an example of powerful integration of spirit and body in a positive, uplifting, healing way. Christianity has left it to the pagans to discover the possibilities in these areas while Christians in their blind prudishness and sexual puritanism wander around missing a kind of growth and fulfillment whose potential for spiritual good is incalculable.

Millions of couples have learned through Tantra to more fully share spiritually, have more awareness of themselves and their love for each other as a permanent part of their relationship. For couples who want to enrich their relationship, it can bring harmony between them and increase their sexual pleasure and intimacy. In sum, Tantric sex can create an extraordinary partnership between a couple.

Christian Tantra

By excluding the Hindu ideas, Tantra can help integrate positive sexuality with Christianity. Tantra teaches positive sexuality and ways of emotional, spiritual and physical communication which is far more meaningful than Christian repression. I uphold the Tantra teachings that can be so easily adopted into a Christian view. Christian Tantra differs from ancient Tantra only in its spiritual definitions, but most of the techniques are the same. Tantra deals with the unity of cosmic consciousness with the psychic energy centers of the body called Chakras, with the goal of self-actualization, personal integration with the universe, with breathing and yoga type meditation to make oneself in harmony with the universe. Christian Tantra communicates Gods love for each other and desire to empower each other with love of God, each other and the world through a spiritual communication of the Holy Spirit within us. The specific communication and physical techniques are powerful for both Hindus and Christians.

Sample Of Tantra Techniques

Tantra techniques are specific high touch positions that in modern day science are known to provide positive medical results within the body. Also included are many sexual positions that are much more physically stimulating, especially for women, and convey more love, acceptance as a person and trust than the usual thrusting or usual positions. But much of it is non-genitally oriented and non-intercourse sexuality which few men have experienced but many women find so much more emotionally healing than just sex.

Nurturing positions
without sexual contact, to nurture each other by our bodies and spirits communicating acceptance, trust, and harmony between each other.

Exploration and getting to know you
techniques very much the same as used by sex surrogates in California (where it is a respected part of professional sex therapy) used to teach being comfortable with our sexuality which does not involve intercourse.

Restoring harmony after a fight
or knowing how to reconnect with your partner. Most arguments stem from and escalate out of the fact that one partner is communicating by logic, the other emotionally. This duality is the result of couples speaking two different languages and neither gets what the other is trying to say. The logical partner will remain certain about the rightness of his or her convictions, because they make perfect sense. The emotional partner will continue in his or her position because the truth of feelings cannot be denied. The emotional person doesn't need to be convinced - in fact, can't be convinced, because that requires a logical mind and for now the emotional mind is in charge. The emotional partner wants only to be heard, held, and loved: only wants harmony restored. Both partners need to be able to let go, lie down together and practice physical nurturing (not sex), as a means of getting back together and restoring love and harmony even in agreeing to disagree, but trying to understand why each is reacting as they are. Then, no-fault communications needs to be established, both apologize for their part in the disagreement, and affirm their love and their desire to restore harmony by forgiving each other.

Five levels of orgasmic experience for women
and how to overcome blocks that get in the way of what God intended to be womens most enjoyable physical experience. The five levels are preorgasmic, sometimes orgasmic, orgasmic, multiple orgasms (the fourth of July fireworks), and extended, or Wave of Bliss level which lasts a long time and can include female ejaculation of nectar of the Goddess (amrita) in Tantra. Sexologists have only recently discovered this, but its been known for centuries in Tantra.

Awakening The Sacred Spot
is seldom done by accident but only with a partner, over time, who has been trained to awaken the most powerful possible female sexual organ resulting in what many women say is the best of the best orgasm. Again, sexologists are now confirming what has been lost for centuries, but taught as basic ancient Tantra.

These are just some of the many Tantric techniques that should be taught in modern culture. The result would be more love, more emotional and spiritual fulfillment as well as intimacy and positive sexuality that has been falsely repressed far too long.

Brief History of Tantra

Tantra refers to a series of esoteric Hindu books that describe certain sexual rituals and meditations. These ancient Indian books, over two thousand years old, were written in the form of a dialogue between the Hindu god Shiva, who is the penetrating power of focused energy, and his consort, Shakti, who represents the female creative force. The Hindu Tantras enjoyed sexual play and sexual union as an act of joyful celebration, as a demonstration of connectedness, as a symbolic affirmation of the unity inherent in a couples relationship. The skills are bringing previously unheard of fulfillment to many couples practicing Tantra techniques.

What was amazing to me is that many of the 20th Century sexual discoveries are the same techniques Tantra has taught for 2000 years. For example the G-spot is nothing more than the Sacred Spot of Tantra and the newest CAT (Clitoral Alignment Technique) is also this old. But with our societys sexual repression, it has taken us much longer to learn about our sexuality than in ancient days.

Our Desire For Spiritual Partnership In A Significant Relationship

The free love days did not result in lasting fulfilling relationships since it was more me centered rather than you uplifting. The AIDS scare has further made lasting relationships more important. Couples today are looking for a commitment from each other, but a special kind of commitment - one that contains spiritual as well as a physical elements and emotional and psychological aspects as well as material ones.

Lets Help Create A We Generation

In biblical times, marriages were prearranged by fathers based on negotiating a marriage price and cultural factors which had nothing to do with the couple loving each other. In the 1940s war romanticized relationships at the same time it tore them apart. Then came the sexual revolution of the sixties and women claiming their right to their own sexual enjoyment of the seventies. The eighties, the post-sexual- revolution era, brought a time of personal freedom of the me generation. Now, as we approach the turning of another century, men and women want to face life together. This may be the start of the we generation, a generation that desires an end to the battle of the sexes and the beginning of a new form of relationship in which partners work together as a team to satisfy needs, uplift one another, and journey together toward personal growth and sexual and spiritual fulfillment.

We Seek A Passionate Partnership

The sparks of passionate love ignite in a new relationship. Passionate love makes your blood almost pulse inside you, makes you glow and you are drawn to each other like a magnet. This love expresses itself sexually; it is so nourishing you can't get enough of one another.

Love is not necessarily blind, as Shakespeare claimed, but it is an altered state. Physicians tell us that, biochemically, love has many of the same exhilarating effects that amphetamines produce, but love is a natural high. The immune system can be strengthened by love; white blood cells perform better and we feel terrific!

But as time passes, this passionate love often diminishes because passion is an energy that depends on other energy for its survival. When love begins to stagnate, energy is directed elsewhere, sometimes in negative emotions and thoughts, or in work, sports etc. When couples lessen their lovemaking they begin the process of starving their love. Love is nourished by the sexual energy a couple generates. Tantra teaches how to create the spiritual energy of passion needed to sustain it.

A passionate partnership not only needs the nourishment sexual energy provides, it also needs maintenance as well as communications of what each partner needs in order to feel more loved emotionally, spiritually and sexually. This is the power of Tantra, that powerfully teaches techniques to keep the passionate partnership alive and nourished in all three areas of love.

True Intimacy: The Sexual Gap Between Men And Women

Many woman use the word intimacy to describe what is most important to them sexually. Sexual intimacy is a special kind of closeness, a communication that is deeper than the couple can achieve physically, a sharing that goes beyond material partnership. This profound connection is described by many women as a spiritual connection, or as the feeling of having found ones soulmate. Women relate it to the heart or the soul more than to the brain or the genitals, although when true sexual intimacy does occur, sexual passion is its by-product. When one becomes intimate one becomes passionate, excited, energized and turned on. A women is aroused, stirred deeply and physically.

But when intimacy is missing, when a women doesn't make that special connection with her partner, she remains unsatisfied at a primal level because the need for intimacy is so deep. When intimacy is missing its hard for many women to feel passionate or to be satisfied sexually. Tantra teaches couples to relate on the deepest intimacy level and maintain that passion.

For most men intimacy conveys something very different - intercourse. But women know this seldom provides real intimacy, much less maximum sexual pleasure. Tantra teaches men how to enjoy deeper levels of intimacy and how to heal and stimulate a women sexually far more than through just intercourse.

The need for intimacy in sex is so basic to women, yet so foreign to most modern men who have never been trained in true intimacy and sex skills. But by nature and physically, women are sexual introverts; they contain their sexuality. Their sexual organs, their most sensitive places, are internal and protected. Women find it hard to speak out about their deepest sexual feelings.

Its far less difficult for men who are more extroverted. Quite simply, sex turns most men on. Sex makes them passionate. Men love sex. Men like women who like sex. They have never been taught or shown any other way; society teaches men sex, sex, sex thru tease and titillation, and then expects them to not fulfill these desires until marriage! Women want a heartfelt experience in love; most men want a glandular one.

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